Pejepscot Company deeds, 1764-1792.


Pejepscot Company deeds, 1764-1792.

Manuscript copies of deeds of Dr. Belcher Noyes, clerk and proprietor of the Pejepscot Company, Maine. Included are deeds, with Noyes's annotations, to lands of the Pejepscot Company (later the settlements of Brunswick, Topsham, and Harpswell, Maine) acquired from his father Oliver Noyes, as well as property in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Roanoke Island, N.C., bought and sold by Belcher Noyes. The volume also contains property inventories, including slaves; manuscript maps; and later copies in another hand.

1 vol. in a case.


SNAC Resource ID: 7963639

Massachusetts Historical Society

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Noyes, Belcher, 1709-1785 (person)

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